Franklin Macon County N.C.

Sept. 16, 1866

Dear Cousin:

After my best respects to you , these lines leave me & family well?& I was at Brothers the other day & saw a letter from you the perusal of which gave see great Satisfaction. I was truly glad to hear from you, but sorrow to hear of the death of your dear Son and other friends.

bell cousin there has been so many changes wrought by the War that if I caanot give you a full detail in this. I went thru the War safe, served h years, went thru many hard fought battles; was wounded once and once a prisoner. I lost two Brothers, kobt & John, they died with Sickness near Shelbyville Tennessee. We were true Rebbs & Z as no Yank yet.? I suppose you heard of Fathers death? The rest of the Family area living? Mother has broke up house keeping. She & youngest sister lives with Brother James; & Grand Ma & Hannah with Joe. They live 5 1/2 & 6 miles west of Franklin; were well last account. I live 6 1/2 miles South of Franklin with Fatherinlaw & Sister Huldah lives here, Sister Hettie lives 1 mile from me, & Jane 7. I married during the war( Nay 19th 1864). My wife was a Thomas Daughter of Z.J. Thomas and of course a cleaver girl,? We have a fine son 5 moo old call him Zebulon Mansfield. We are all doing the best we can; the war broke us up. I lost pretty much say all, it is true I did not have much, but it was. my all, but I only regret we failed in gaining our independence.

Crops are very short and bread will be hard to get in these parts an other year.? I as farming; since I got home from the war I taught one school 5 months? I taught School some three years previous to the war; and made some money, but times are so hard that it will not pay well in this country. I think I can make a living yet if I am let a lone. The State of the country is generally quiet with us; but there is some cutting up in adjoining counties.?While I was in the 'far I was at your Brothers( Fkayles) & I learned that the greater part of the old neighbors on the creak were Union men but I deputed it to their ignorance & some of them now Sleep in a yankees grave where no tear of Sympathy was ever shed. I do not say this to wound your feelings as I learn John raised the Flay against his Home.? I glory in your Spunk & may prosperity and happiness ever crown your pathway. Give Flayl a. family my best regards tell them to write to me. I shall ever cherish a deep interest in their Wellfare as they treated myself and brothers so kindly while we were in campt at Knoxville.

The family are all in the Church all are Methodist but myself and I belong to the Presbyterian Church. We have good meetings going on in these parts. The preacher who rides here is by the name of Moore and the Elder's name is Richeson. They are good preachers.

Cousin I will have to quit as my hand is getting out of order. I have all most lost the use of my thumb & fore finger on my rite hand during the war and consequently I can scarcely write as you will readly see from this. I wish you to write to me and give me the news in general. Tell all the friends to write. Direct to Franklin Macon County N.C. Myself and wife send our best respects to you &. family. Be sure to send Flayl and wife my warmest regards. Please excuse this hasty letter and accept the love and best wishes of your friend and cousin.

W.T. Anderson

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